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P.H.M realized its prowess in creating culture far beyond the realm of fashion. The style and designs has caught the eye of many influential players in the fashion and entertainment industry. P.H.M will quickly stake its claim in urban fashion history becoming the destination brand for street savvy consumers. P.H.M maintains a focus of providing clever innovation in fabrication, application and design to its customer. It has been the brand’s attention to detail that has pushed P.H.M’s appeal beyond its core urban customer. P.H.M is just getting started in it's takeover of the urban fashion world.

P.H.M is a dominant lifestyle apparel brand for a wide range of customers. Inspired by an urban aesthetic rooted in young men’s sportswear, P.H.M has expanded its brand and impact. Our authentic mix of smooth fashion sense and grittiness makes P.H.M a huge attraction in the market. Within the department store space we would insure that we provide both buyers and consumers with product at a price point that enables the store to make profit and the customer to receive quality product at a fair price. With specialty designed product, which allows the partner to remain unique in their presentation without affecting the department store business.

P.H.M, it's our time! We are next!